Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Success with your website

To succeed in your website, you should learn as much as you possibly can about search engine optimization (SEO). The subject of SEO is vast and can be quite daunting at first, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to see the benefits immediately and will probably wonder why you didn't get started with it earlier. A few things you can do to get started are to make sure you're using the proper keywords and to write for your visitors as well as for search engines. Writing for search engines is important, since you want to get high rankings, and writing for visitors is of the essence because you want them to stick around and return to your Website

When you are satisfied with the keywords and content on your site, it is time to start working with link building. Search engines determine much of the value of a certain page/site by looking at the number of inbound links. Link exchange is one of the most popular and successful ways to get a good rank on search engines, and it's really easy to do. Simply visit a Website that you like and ask the Webmaster if they are interested in a link exchange — it doesn't have to be any more complicated than that.
Having something interesting and distinctive on your page is a great way to attract potential link partners. For example, if you are running a Website about domain names, why not add a domain name availability checker to your homepage? It will most likely attract links from other sites related to the niche, and people will tend to come back again if they want to know whether a domain is available or not. Try to be extra creative to set yourself apart from competitors.

Relation between web design and hosting

After you have selected your domain name, the next step is to choose a hosting plan. There are many good, affordable alternatives, but what professionals usually recommend is specialized blog hosting. This form of Web hosting allows you to set up a professional-looking Website in no time at all. Why is this important to mention when it comes to making your site more popular? Well, without strong hosting, you won't be able to handle a traffic to your new Website, which means you'll have no chance at all of becoming well liked. .

Of course, finding strong hosting is often easier said than done. The hosting industry has grown very popular in recent years, and this has lead to large numbers of companies offering various hosting services. But don't be fooled by their tricky ways of making it sound as if they are the best in the industry. We would recommend you partner up with a company that has a strong reputation and experience in the business. You might start at Web Hosting Search for reviews and other information to help you find the right fit. 

When it comes to hosting, you should compare the different features included with the plan.  Make sure you are guaranteed at least 99.9% uptime and that customer support is easy to get hold of.  You never know when you could need them. Likewise, it is also good to know exactly what kind of numbers in terms of disc space and bandwidth will you be allowed to use and manage. Some providers also forbid their clients to upload music or video files to their servers even if it is for personal use. It's important to ask customer support to resolve such issues before purchasing a plan. Some other things you might consider asking are whether your domain name registry information will be protected and how many different e-mail accounts will you be allowed to use as part of the hosting agreement.

Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Window shopping

Window shopping merupakan suatu kegiatan yang sangat menyenangkan untuk mengisi waktu luang. Walaupun ngga punya uang atau tanggung bulan, cuci mata sah-sah saja, gratis, ngga ada yang larang. Dulu orang biasa window shopping di mall. Karena mall itu lengkap, mau cari apa aja ada disana. Mulai dari fashion, toko buku dan peralatan kantor, busana muslim dan jilbab cantik, sampai food court bisa ditemui disini.

Seiring dengan kemajuan teknologi, window shopping ala mall bisa kita hadirkan sendiri di rumah kita, tepat dari depan layar monitor komputer kita. Toko online sungguh memanjakan kita-kita yang hobi window shopping tapi ngga punya waktu luang untuk pergi ke mall. Apalagi dengan cuaca yang panas terik plus kemacetan dimana-mana, yang ada maksud hati ingin refreshing eh malah stres yang didapat. Toko online juga cocok banget buat bapak-bapak bisnismen dan ibu-ibu wanita karir. Tanpa perlu beranjak dari meja kantor dan kursi kantor mereka, mereka sudah bisa langsung menjelajahi mall di dunia maya. Bisa kita sebut mall karena produk-produk yang dijual di toko online sangatlah beragam. Mau cari produk fashion seperti busana muslim, baju hamil, dan jilbab cantik yang murah dengan model yang up to date bisa. Karena sudah banyak juga toko grosir fashion seperti yang biasa kita temui di tanah abang atau mangga dua yang sudah merambah dunia maya.

Atau yang sedang merencanakan untuk berlibur di alam terbuka pada akhir pekan bisa browsing di situs toko online produsen tenda dan terpal. Atau mungkin juga bagi mereka yang menginginkan nuansa baru di ruang kerja nya, boleh cari inspirasi di toko online yang menjual peralatan kantor lengkap mulai dari meja kantor, kursi kantor, meja gambar, lemari arsip, brankas, papan tulis, dan mesin penghancur kertas. Lebih asyik window shopping di dunia maya kan? Tapi ingat, jangan keterusan window shopping aja, belanja donk sekali-kali...